Cajisha Telusme, Staff Writer

What started out as a pleasant drive to school can land you with a fine to pay. If you haven’t purchased a $35 decal yet it is in your best interest to get one.

In past years, there has been a very forgiving and lax-enforcement of the parking decal rule, with administration allowing fines to be delayed for months. But this year it’s not a joke.

As the third week of school rolls around, Ms. Paletti has already begun stopping cars as they pull into the student parking lot, asking the most feared question of decal rule violators:

“Where is your decal?”

Upon being prompted the question Ms. Paletti directs you past the flashing lights of a Sheriff’s car and to the side so you can be issued a decal or a ticket.

To be granted a decal you need to have your license, vehicle registration, $35 and proof of insurance. Otherwise, you get a ticket. 

Ms. Paletti has a plan to get every student driver a decal or a rightfully deserved ticket, she said. The first day of the comprehensive search issued 14 warning violation stickers to students, according to Mr. Krupa. The second day included a scene out in the student parking lot, a police car was present and stern reprimands from Ms. Paletti scared enough students straight. The third day of school included talk of towing. Although a quick survey of the lot on Thursday morning proved otherwise, she may be planning a later attack.

Keep yourself on high alert decal violators; Ms. Paletti will not back down.