Obama Unveiling a Proposal for Free Two Years of Community College

Colleen Rock, Staff Writer

On January 8th, President Barack Obama, made a proposal about letting responsible students attend two years of community college for free. According to whitehouse.gov,  if all 50 states participate, it could save a full-time community college student about $3,800 in tuition per year. As well as benefiting about 9 million students each  year.

In the proposal students would be able to earn the first half of a bachelor degree, or technical skills for work. Students must attend community college for half the time and maintain a GPA of 2.5 of higher.

Federal government is expected to pay for three quarters of average tuition costs, while the state covers the remaining fees. Community colleges are to offer academic programs that fully transfer to local four year colleges, or, universities, that give students the chance to earn half a credit for a four year degree. Or they can offer occupational training that lead into a degree or certificates needed for certain jobs.

The estimated number 35 percent of new jobs will require at least a bachelors degree or some college associate’s degree by 2020. With the two year free-tuition years of community college, it was made to achieve more student enrollment and ensure employment.

This proposal could work wonders for students today, who can’t afford to pay for college. Additionally, according to CNN with the average student loan debt for 2012 about $29,000 per student, the savings could be endless.

“It’s a great idea,” said Zarah Cuevas, a sophomore. “It can be very helpful and could inspire students to try harder, I know I will.”

On top of that, it could lessen the stress on saving up for college for families who can’t afford it, and need it for basic needs.

“I am optimistic toward President Obama’s proposal,” said Ms. Palmer, tenth grade biology teacher. “Because funding for college is a very expensive, and stressful time for students and their family.”

If this proposal is approved, eligible students could possible save themselves from lifetime of dept.