Delray Affair- Why You Should Go
April 4, 2017
I’ve been going to the Delray Affair for 2 or 3 years now. The first year I went, my mom dragged me with her. After seeing all the cool products and companies being displayed, I was really happy to be there. The next few years that I’ve gone were to my excitement, despite not wanting to go to the first time.
The Delray Affair is considered the largest arts & craft festival in the Southeast U.S. This event takes place in the downtown portion of Delray Beach. The Affair stretches across around 12 blocks of downtown Delray Beach on 2nd Ave. This event gives product companies/individuals the ability to promote all their products. Some of the products that you can see at this event are photos, paintings, as well as clothing. The festival is also really cool, because it’s not just one form of art. There are musicians who play on a pavilion throughout the day, which is great because it allows the musical form of art to be presented too.
You may be asking why you would want to go to this event. The answer to that is simple. There is a number of products and crafts that you may not see anywhere else. Last year, there were people from 30 states and 12 countries who had exhibits at this event. If the variety of art isn’t enough to convince you, there’s also food. You can find stands selling everything from funnel cakes to seafood to areas. This event only runs on Friday-Sunday. This coming week, April 7th-9th is the last week to go check the affair out, and support local as well as national brands. You won’t regret it, and may even find products you love.