Saying Goodbye to Mr. Santaluces
Skylar Cross, Photo Editor
May 10, 2016
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About the Contributors

Skylar Cross, Photo Editor
I’m Skylar Cross and I’m a senior, here at Santaluces, enrolled in the Visual Arts Academy. This is my third year in newspaper as a Photo Editor. I’m a very positive and optimistic person who laughs a little too much. I’m on the Varsity Tennis team and have been playing for three years. I’m absolutely obsessed with movies, especially of the horror genre. I have a passion for film and aspire to one day be a director. Oh, and I drink a little too much coffee (if there’s such a thing as “too much coffee”).

Davidson Domond, Staff Writer
Hi, my name is Davidson Domond, and this is my first year in journalism. I am a captain on the varsity football team and I’ve been playing for about 3 years. On my spare time I normally stay home and read a good book. My favorite book is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, because it’s a very thrilling book with lots of suspense.

Grace Almanza, Staff Writer
As a senior in high school, I’m an avid photographer and reader. I hope to inform readers of the important events going on around them as well a the daily art and beauty that surrounds them. In my spare time, I enjoy TV, literature, and well-written female characters.

Mishka Brice, Editor-in-Chief
Hi, my name is Mishka Brice and I am now the Editor-in-Chief of The Tribe. This is my third and final year here at The Tribe, and I am extremely excited to build this newspaper to it’s full and maximum potential before I graduate. I hope to continue my journalistic endeavors in college by majoring in broadcast journalism. I’m very family oriented and enjoy the company of my friends. They are the inspiration, happiness, and light of my life. Some fun facts to know about me: I have a twin brother, I have a very unhealthy obsession with the show Breaking Bad, and I also love anything Disney- I’m basically a walking paradox. To wrap things up, I am an easy person to get to know, understanding, and most importantly I’m always here to help.

Lizzy Saba, Staff Writer & Photographer
My name is Elizabeth a.k.a Lizzy. I am a senior chief here at Santaluces. I’m a staff writer and photographer, they’re my two favorite things. I am also a Varsity Cheerleader…
I currently work at Yankee Candle down in Boynton Beach, y’all should come visit me. I’m some-what of a geek when it comes to Vis Tech and web design programs. Pretty Little Liars is my all time favorite show. I will be attending Florida Gulf Coast University, in Ft. Myers, FL in the fall (2015) go eagles! I absolutely adore Mrs. Clifton. And one fun fact is that I have a slight obsession with cats (OCD-obsessive cat disorder) except I’m sadly allergic and I have five of them.