Recently, we had the opportunity to interview some of the young women on our weightlifting team. We discussed how they felt about weightlifting and their personal experience on the team. The team is filled with dedicated young women who have a passion to push themselves to their limits just to see how far they can go. At their most recent meet, they placed third out of twelve other schools which was very impressive! We interviewed three members for a closer look at their experiences and what they like most about being on the team.
Danielle Brady is a senior and joined weightlifting because she wanted to try something new, as she previously played volleyball. She loves everyone on the team as if they are family. She believes more people should join weightlifting because it is very fun and it has a unique way of pushing you to your full physical and mental potential.

Taylor Probst is a freshman on the girls weightlifting team. She joined the team to be more involved with school sports, and she was previously on the freshman cheer team here at Santaluces High School. She feels that the best part about being on the team is the amazing people whom she has met, and being able to make long lasting friendships. She also loves going to meets where she can show off her skills and meet new people from other schools. Her favorite person on the team is her friend Aliyah, as she is the person who convinced her to join weightlifting.
Caroline Lachance is another freshman on the team. She says that, “The best part of weightlifting is the supportive environment from everyone.” Her favorite lift is “Clean and Jerk.” This is a lift where the bar starts on the ground, then is lifted to the person’s shoulders, and then is pushed above their head. She looks forward to seeing her progress through the years and seeing how far she can make it with weightlifting.

The girls weightlifting team is filled with young women who continue to display high levels of hard work and dedication. They continue to put in work and time towards the sport every day at practice and at meets. They are an amazing family that they would like anyone interested to be a part of next year. If you are interested in girls or boys weightlifting, please speak to either Coach Hector or Coach Putnam.
As always, make sure to support them at their next meet hosted at William T. Dwyer High School on 1/16. Great work ladies!