The Golden Globes, an award show held annually to recognize excellence in film and television, has been hosted for 72 years. However, this year offered an extra element: live behind the scenes feed, at just the press (and hold) of a button, literally.
Unlike the years prior, the Golden Globes participated in “Our Story” on Snapchat, a live sharing of group videos at events.
The revolutionary story telling tactic has also featured events such as the World Cup, Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC), and New Year’s Eve around the world. From Germany to Ireland to New York City, Snapchat users were able to view around 300 seconds of live feed from celebrities as well as from everyday people.
At the Golden Globe Awards Sunday night, celebrities like Ryan Seacrest and model Chrissy Teigen (wife to John Legend) uploaded snapchats of their own to the live feed. The Our Story feature also allowed ordinary people to share their experience as well, offering viewers to see more than what’s just on screen.
The event of the Golden Globe Awards on Snapchat included 298 seconds of the award show and made the event much more personal for some of those watching.
The Our Story feature is altering the way people keep up with these live events, whether the event is just too far away or too pricey, or maybe you just have a hot date with Netflix at home. Whatever it may be, anyone and everyone is able to “attend” almost any event, thanks to Snapchat.