The Tribe on Spring Break

A look into how members of The Tribe spent their Spring Break.

Haley Hinkofer, Staff Writer

Jessa Lopez: “Going to my sister’s house was one of my favorite things I did over spring break. On Saturday, we went for a run at Okeeheelee Park, and I almost passed out because I didn’t know I had low blood sugar levels. Luckily, I was fine once I rested for a while. Later that day, when I was at my sister’s house, I babysat her friends children and had a family night. We ate tons of Filipino food and pizza. On another day I went to the Boynton Inlet at 6:00 am with my sister while it was 57 degrees outside! It was freezing and I wasn’t dressed for the weather. My sister and I called our mom to show her the beach and to catch up since she was in the Philippines over break. My sister and I waited for 3 hours at the beach until everyone else in my family arrived. We had a HUGE Filipino celebration at the beach with fried eggplant and grilled squid. Everyone decided to go swimming, but I stayed on the sand to watch all the stuff because I was so tried and the water was freezing.”

Kayla Restivo: “I worked every single day and closed every single night. The only reason why I worked so much was because I wanted to make money to save for college. Sunday was my only day off and I went to the beach for the first time over spring break.”

Israel Taylor: “I went to the Lantana Nature Preserve with my friends Kendra, Kim, and Kevin. We saw a turtle walking around and we all got really excited. When we were there, we just hung out and explored the area.”

Randi Goldman: “I didn’t really do anything too exciting, but I did finish a whole TV show called “The Originals”. It’s a show on Netflix about vampires, werewolves, and witches. I was watching at least five to six episodes a day, because I got hooked. I started watching it because I was bored and originally thought I wouldn’t like it, but it turned out to be one of my favorite shows.”

Viri Reyes: “Over spring break I had the flu and it was terrible. I used Google Translate to type out what I wanted to say and had it speak aloud for me. The only good thing that happened over spring break was I got a new tank for my betta fish named Perseus Barnard. It’s a five gallon tank and I got him a toy submarine to hide in.”

Kyle Swaters: “I went to a Miami Heat game with my dad and younger brother. The Heat didn’t win but it was still a good game to watch and our seats were pretty decent so we could see everything. I had a doubler header with the baseball team against Spanish River over the break as well, but we only won one of the games though.”

Joe-Joe Matuella: “My aunt got married at some country club, so my entire family came down for it. For the center pieces at the tables, they had betta fish and we thought they were so interesting that we took a couple of them home. A couple days after the wedding, my family and I went paddle boarding. Then when I had some free time I started watching a new show on Netflix called Ironfist, and it’s my new favorite show.”

Matt Leto: “I promposed to a girl from the water polo team named Aliya. I took her to Chick-fil-a and made a sign that said “Will You Be Chick At Prom?”- She said yes of course. I also worked 65 hours at my new job because I have to save up for UNF for this summer.”

Alan McGonigle: “I worked out a lot over the break at YouFit, trying to get into shape. I’m trying to make healthy and positive changes in my life. I also worked a lot at Publix and went to the beach a couple of times. When I went to the beach the water was actually really nice even though the air was a little chilly.”

Santiago Rivera: “I caught up on some much needed sleep once the third quarter ended. I started a new Netflix show and also went to the beach to see the waves.”

Briana O’Hara: “Re-watched one of my favorite anime TV shows on Netflix called ‘Death Note’. It’s about this boy named Light Yagami and someone dropped his notebook down into this world called Death Note. There’s only one season for it out so far, but they are making an American version of the show. Everyone is upset about it since there isn’t going to be any Asians casted into the TV show that originated in Japan.”

Sorana Joseph: ” I painted a picture with a man having a uterus as a head. I painted it for the upcoming art show, which is happening on April 12th. I started on some other pieces of mine, but I didn’t finish any of them expect this one since it’s my main one. I also re-read ‘Little Women’ by Louisa May Alcoltt. I decided to re-read the book because I never finished and wanted to see what happened. I cried at the ending, but I won’t tell you what happens because you have to read it for yourself.”

Ducle Paz: ” I worked a lot at my job at Yogurtland, but I didn’t mind it since I was getting paid. I also went to visit FSU up in Tallahassee since I’ll be attending there in the fall. It was a total shock for me since there wasn’t any palm trees there like in West Palm. My family and I toured the campus and dorms. On the six hour car drive up to the school all I saw was “ProLife” signs and the vibes seemed completely different than what I was use to.”

Olivia Moore: “I worked every day at Panera Bread to save up money for FSU in the fall. One of the days over break I was heading to a concert with a friend and we got into a car accident. Someone was merging into our lane and wasn’t paying attention while driving. The other driver hit the side of my friends car that I was on. My friend and I ended up needing to go to the hospital, where I ended up having a mild concussion. I had the concussion because, since I had never been in a car crash before, I had a panic attack and I wasn’t focusing on the pain from my head. The doctors said my head would have has less damage if I didn’t move around so much during my panic attack.”

Brandon Santana: “I went to the beach about four days over the break. I soaked up some sun and tried to get a nice base tan color for the summer. I also went to Orlando with my family. We shot bow and arrows in their backyard, which was my first time doing it. Then I did a couple of photo shoots to expand my portfolio.”

Emily Saba: “I re-watched ‘Glee’. I started to watch the first episode, because I used to think the show was a joke but as I kept watching it I got into the show and enjoyed it. By the end of spring break I was on season three.”

Savannah Devericks: “I went to the Florida Keys with my friends. Once I came back, I hung out with my boyfriend and saw ‘Beauty and the Beast’. I worked my first day of the new season at Calypso Bay water park and the day after that I hung out with my boyfriend again. We saw the new power rangers movie, which turned out to be pretty good, and then we ate at Steak n’ Shake. On the last day of spring break, I went to my dad’s house and my boyfriend got to met my dad.”

Haley Hinkofer: “For the first five days of spring break I want down to the Florida Keys with four of my best friends. We all woke up really early in the morning and I drove all the way down to Key West since we couldn’t check into out room until four o’clock anyway. In Key West we went to the 90 mile buoy, Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum, Key West Aquamarine, and a bunch of little shops. For the rest of the time we hung out at the resort and explored the area. We went kayaking, paddle boarding, snorkeling, swimming, we fed tarpon and each night we cooked dinner in our condo. I’m still in shock that my friends and I were able to go to the keys without any of our parents. The day I came back I washed my clothes and re-packed my suitcase, because the next day I left to go on a Disney Cruise with my aunt as part of my gradation gift. The ship was beautiful and we had a balcony that over looked Castaway Cay (Disney’s private island) when we docked there. The shows were amazing, the food was the best I’ve ever had, our waiters were so nice, and of course the all day self-serve ice cream station for my favorite part.”