JROTC is an in house program that requires all 4 years of school. If you join the academy late, for example, sophomore year, then you can take 2 JROTC classes in one year.
Our program currently has 2 instructors. LTC Stone usually teaches let 3 and 4, but he has few let 2’s. SGM Barlow usually teaches the let 1s and now some let 2s. Lets are typical what the JROTC courses are called. The numbers such as let 2 resembles the grade you’re in or if you started late it shows what level class you’re in.
We have several different extracurricular activities such as: air rifle, drill, color guard, raiders and the academic team. These teams have competitions on Saturdays and require extra time after school.
If you choose to be a part of the JROTC academy you have to wear a uniform every Wednesday. If you forget to wear your uniform it will bring down your grade significantly. Although, you can wear your uniform two times in a week to make up your missed day.
When you sign up to be in JROTC, you have to sign a contract that you’re aware of the rules there are to stay in JROTC. You have to keep at least a 2.0 GPA in order to stay in the program. You also aren’t allowed to get suspended or get into arguments with your teacher. Breaking these rules will result in punishments decided by the instructors.
Taking JROTC doesn’t necessarily have to mean you want to go in the military. There are plenty of people in this academy that are there just to obtain leadership skills that colleges look for.
The JROTC program can help you acquire various life skills. It can help you get better at public speaking, being more confident, and help you learn how to be good at showing leadership. This academy can help benefit you invidious aspects of life.