Literacy Week Events

Brittany Travis and Emma Koons

NEHS has posted the themes for their annual Literacy Week. Literacy week starts next Monday, 1/22, and each day has a different theme for dressing up and lunch events for you to participate in.

Monday- Magic School Bus Day, dress up as your favorite science fiction character from a book.

Tuesday- Harry Potter Day, dress up as your favorite Harry Potter character. Spelling Bee after school at 3:30-4:30 pm.

Wednesday- Word Scramble Day, wear lettered t-shirts to make words with friends. Lunchtime activity- word scramble, make as many words as possible with a group of friends.

Thursday- Dr.Suess Day, dress up as any Dr. Suess character. Poetry Slam after school at 3:30-4:30 pm.

Friday- Faction Day, each grade level will represent a faction from the Divergent book series. Freshmen wear yellow, orange, or red to represent Amity. Sophomores wear grey or tan to represent Abnegation. Juniors wear black and white to represent Candor. Seniors wear black to represent Dauntless. Teachers wear blue to represent Erudite. Lunchtime activity- Teacher Torture for $1

If you are interested in participating in the after school spelling bee and the poetry slam, sign up with your English teacher, or with Ms. Matuella in room 8-160.