Upcoming Senior Dates!!


Grad Bash Class of 2022 seniors.

Chanel Smith, Staff Writer

It’s that time of the month and this is what all seniors have been waiting for! Grad Bash, Prom, And GRADUATION! These important events make high school memory to never forget.

Grad Bash

  • Friday, April 8th, 2022 @ Universal Studios
  • Tickets go on sale in FEBRUARY. The price is $135

Grad Bash is going to be super fun! Riding all the rides with your friends, all the loud screams, churros, ice cream at the concession stands, you wouldn’t want to miss it.  (You have to completely fill out your grad bash paper before you can purchase your ticket.)

Prom 2022

  • Friday, April 22nd, 2022 @ West Palm Beach Marriott
  • Tickets go on sale on Monday, February 14th.
  • Price increases as weeks go by.

(You have to completely fill out your prom packet and turn it in before you can purchase your ticket. You can find the packets in Student Services.)

Ladies and gentlemen wear your best dress, heels, suits, shoes, and jewelry! Make prom a wonderful experience that you will always remember. Make sure you dance all night with your friends and don’t stop till the night is over.


  • All seniors can’t wait for this moment. Graduation will be Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 @8:00 a.m at the South Florida Fair.

Valentine’s day is also coming up in a few days ladies and gentlemen. Are you ready to give that special someone the perfect gift?

Guys, ladies love big-sized teddy bears, pretty flowers, cards, and even chocolate. If you’re gonna propose and ask her to be your valentine make sure the card is perfect.

Ladies, guys aren’t that picky so any nice cologne, cards, candy will be just fine.

I asked my two friends what are they most excited about and they both responded “Graduation and Grad Bash, I don’t have a valentine.”