The epitome of high school is often associated with the image of snooty teachers who are so uptight they appear to be sucking on a lemon. They walk down the halls with their noses up like teaching is a waste of their time, as depicted in just about any 80’s high school movie. However, Mr. Hare does not exhibit the qualities of this stereotypical high school teacher.
“He [Hare’s father] taught me ‘you go along to get along,'” said Hare, “and that the best way to build relationships and business relationships is through being happy.”
Mr. Hare was known solely as one of Santaluces’ football coaches, however he has now taken on the role of teacher, as well.
“To be honest, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, but I was scared that I couldn’t make enough money,” said Hare. “But as I did another endeavor, you know other career, I realized that my want to coach and teach far outweighed the extra amount of money.”
Is this your first year coaching varsity soccer?
“Varsity soccer, yes.”
What college did you attend?
“I graduated from FAU, but I’m an Auburn Tiger at heart.”
So a lot of people describe you as happy and laid back, what do you think it is that makes you that way?”
“It definitely has to do with my father and the atmosphere growing up. He taught me that you go along to get along. And that’s the best way to build relationships and business relationships is through being happy and giving people that relaxing feeling, you know, a neutral tone.”
What made you want to be a teacher? Did you always know you wanted to be a teacher?
“To be honest, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, but I was scared that I couldn’t make enough money, but as I did another endeavor, you know other career, I realized that my want to coach and teach far outweighed the extra amount of money.”
Do you like working with high schoolers?
“Love working with high schoolers.”
Are there any events this year you’re looking forward to, or anything you’re in charged of?
“I’m looking forward, I mean obviously I’m looking forward to the football season, but I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter with soccer. I think that’s something that’s going to be fun and hopefully we can try to get some competitiveness going with the girls.”