The “Let’s Play” part of YouTube consists of videos of gamers who play through popular or not so popular games, using comedic or informative commentary. One of the most popular “Let’s Play” YouTubers is Felix Kjellberg, aka PewDiePie, a Swedish gamer with priceless reactions to horror games such as his well-known, early series, “Amnesia.” He’s been taking the YouTube gaming sphere by storm.
“I’m just a guy from Sweden who likes to laugh and make other people laugh, sharing gaming moments on YouTube with my bros!” said Kjellberg in his ‘About Me’ section.
PewDiePie ends his videos by brofisting his fans, which he refers to as “Bros,” creating a connection between him and the video watcher.
PewDiePie earned ten million subscribers and in honor of that, he wanted to do something with all of his fans and started a Charity: Water Campaign. All of the money raised is donated to fund clean water projects.
His goal is to have 10,000 Bros donate and raise at least $250,000. So far he has reached $217,710 because of his faithful fans and the number is still growing, not counting the $10,000 he donated out of his own pocket. He is so genuine, inspirational, and down to earth, and I think he deserves all of his fame.
In his “Fridays with PewdiePie” videos — rarely actually done on a Friday — PewDiePie sometimes opens up fan mail on camera to thank them all more properly and show his gratitude. On “Fridays with PewDiePie” he also does “Pewds does everything” where he reads his fan’s tweets and does what they ask him to do, like tape salad to his face, or lick his elbow and laugh. You can imagine what that looks like.
PewDiePie started out making videos just for fun, not worrying about how many subscribers he has. Although he is doing what he loves, that’s half his motivation. He says that his Bros motivate him the most. He loves his fans so much and his fans feel the exact same way.