Testing Pinterest Hacks


Pinterest: a visual discovery app that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests.

I love Pinterest. However, there are a ton of hacks that quite frankly, seem too good to be true.

Hack #1: Putting baby powder on your eyelashes before applying mascara will make them longer and more voluminous. (The first picture is without baby powder and the second is with.)

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This hack was a Pinterest fail. However, my lashes did seem to be a little thicker, but also more clumpy.

Hack #2: Putting a phone in a toilet paper roll will amplify your music.


This hack was a Pinterest fail. This did not work at all, however, using a cup works 10 times better.

Hack #3: Placing plastic wrap over a cup will prevent spillage.

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This Pinterest hack was definitely a fail; the saran wrap did not even stick to the cup.

Hack #4: Brownie in a mug. This is exactly what is sounds like: a “quick and easy” way to make brownies. I’ve seen this recipe all over Pinterest, and never really believed it.


  • 2 tablespoons of butter (melted)
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 dash of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 4 tablespoons of all-purpose flour

Once you are all done, you mix it all up and pop it in the microwave for 60-90 seconds.


This hack was somewhat a Pinterest win. The brownie was a bit too moist for my liking, but it did taste just like a brownie. But, if you decide to make this, I would definitely recommend adding more sugar.

Hack #5: Submerging your dried up mascara in hot water for a few minutes will liquefy the formula and make your mascara brand new again.

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This hack worked somewhat, so I’ll give it a Pinterest pass.

Hack #6: Hand sanitizer can get permanent marker out of your clothes.

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This Pinterest hack was a complete fail.

I was hoping that most of these hacks would work, but unfortunately, they didn’t.  Although there are many hacks online that seem to be true, not all of them are. So, just in case you come across these particular hacks, now you know the outcome.