Early Preparations for End of Year Tests

Marie Bobb, Staff Writer

All the tests that has many teachers and students anxious and nervous is closer than ever now. Teachers have been preparing students since the beginning of the school year, but is that enough to actually pass with a high score? I believe that self preparation is just as important as teachers helping you prepare.

Students who think that going home and doing nothing to study or get a better understanding of what they are currently learning are setting themselves up for failure. Of course, all of the lessons and homework that teachers assign are extremely helpful but when students go home and throw it all away by not studying the work, their technique and skill will not be as strong as those who actually go home and prepare for these big test by themselves.

Here are a couple of ways to prepare yourself other than homework and quizzes assigned from teachers:

  • Look up mini assignments yourself at home.
  • Get a groups of friends that have similar classes and have study groups.
  •  If your teacher offers after school tutoring make it your top priority to attend at least once a week.
  • Ask others who have taken similar tests in the past what you should expect for so you’re ahead of the game.

Stressing over a test is completely normal if you actually care about your grades and future, but following the tips given above will make it less stressful when the test actually comes around. Taking at least an hour or two to go over what you learned in class just to be sure you completely understand is going to be key in passing all your tests. Also, remember that if you ever feel cowardly about your performance in class and your grades are slipping so you think you won’t pass the test, you can always call up a friend, talk to an adult, or contact a teacher for extra help. You aren’t alone in this.