Photo of the Day: SGA Spreads the Love
Shuruq Daas, Staff Writer
October 16, 2014
SGA spreads the love to chiefs in need by selling ” I Give Back” bracelets for $3.
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About the Contributors

Shuruq Daas, Staff Writer
Greetings, my name is Shuruq Daas and this year I am a senior. This is my second year at Santaluces and first year joining the newspaper. I love writing and reading and hope to pursue a career in journalism. A few facts about me are, I'm from Palestine, I speak Arabic, I enjoy a good company and like to be active and have fun. One other thing is that I hate hate hate hate HATE cats! It's a fear I will always have.

Lizzy Saba, Staff Writer & Photographer
My name is Elizabeth a.k.a Lizzy. I am a senior chief here at Santaluces. I'm a staff writer and photographer, they're my two favorite things. I am also a Varsity Cheerleader...
I currently work at Yankee Candle down in Boynton Beach, y'all should come visit me. I'm some-what of a geek when it comes to Vis Tech and web design programs. Pretty Little Liars is my all time favorite show. I will be attending Florida Gulf Coast University, in Ft. Myers, FL in the fall (2015) go eagles! I absolutely adore Mrs. Clifton. And one fun fact is that I have a slight obsession with cats (OCD-obsessive cat disorder) except I'm sadly allergic and I have five of them.