*The opinions expressed here belong only to the writer and do not reflect the views of The Tribe*
People drift apart from friends, family, and relationships for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes, it’s as simple as just growing apart. But other times, it can be caused by something serious.
Most of the time when I lose friends, it’s just a matter of growing apart. But recently, someone in my life did something that led to the end of our relationship. The person in subject is my sister, someone who I never thought in a million years this would happen with. Many things had happened that led up to this point, and it wasn’t a decision I took lightly.
In life, sometimes it may be the right thing to turn away from a person that you no longer are close with. It’s important to do what is right for you even when it seems hard, because the only person responsible for your happiness is you. Sometimes, it’s okay to be a little selfish. This doesn’t mean that things will always end smoothly, sometimes you may get pushback from others, maybe even people in your family. But at the end of the day, only you are in charge of what goes in your life and in your head, so why let anyone else be in control of who you choose to keep in your life?
Often, people get lots of back talk when they do things for themselves, instead of doing things for the benefit of others. When you find yourself in these situations, remember this, why should you suffer just to please other people? You can still forgive someone while letting them go, because you have to do what is right for you. If you allow yourself to settle for someone, it only hurts you more. At the end of the day, you are the only person that will have to live with the choices you make, so it is up to you to decide what is best for you.