Santaluces Jazz and Tradewinds Band Unite for Veteran’s Day

While Santaluces’ Marching Chiefs performed during the Academy Open House, Tradewinds Middle School welcomed Santaluces’ Jazz Band as a guest for their annual Veteran’s Day Concert. Both Tradewinds and Santaluces bands played together in front of a crowd of parents, students, and teachers. Behind them, a projector showed pictures of soldiers related to Tradewinds students and staff.

Mr. Bermudez, the band director for Tradewinds, asked veterans and their families to stand when he called a certain section of the Armed Forces. The rest of the audience applauded them as the band played on. The bands played various music, especially from the 40’s and 60’s, and the concert was an hour long. Each band performed on their own, then joined together for two songs before ending the concert.