My Final Days in High School

Casey McDuffie

Courtesy of Prestige Portraits

Casey McDuffie, Staff Writer

Being a part of SHS The Tribe has honestly been one of the best experiences of my high school life.

If I knew I would love being a apart of something like this I would’ve signed up my junior year. Being able to express myself and have people read it is a great thing, but having people love what you’ve written is even better.

Coming from a private school and not knowing anyone really was a huge change for me. I probably looked like a deer in headlights my very first day of school when it was lunch time seeing all these people twice my size walk past me. As the year went on the more comfortable I became and the amount of friends I made was amazing.

Every year has its highs and lows and every year after freshman year has had each of those, repeatedly. From losing friends to finding a way back to them. Just always stay around the people that will bring you up. Become a part of something like an academy or a club like this, you will have those friends all throughout high school.

Academies are such a great way of learning a new trait. I’m in the Culinary academy and it has honestly been the best class of all time. Chef Swaye is the best, even though he yells he has always had my back and is rooting for me to do well. Any student wanting to go into the academy, be aware, he yells because he wants you to do well and succeed.

Being in a culinary class, it has broadened my variety of foods I’ve not only tried but what I’ve liked as well. Especially this year, his level 3’s and 4’s did global cuisine. We had a few labs where after we ate we were so full we sat on the floor in the kitchen to settle the food.

Those are the moments I’ll miss most, waking up going to Dunkin Donuts with my friend Sebastian, then going to pick Sawyer up. Spending time with some of the best people during Culinary, then having to do it all over again.

It’s really starting to hit me that I’m a senior and I’m almost done here. But now that it’s so close to our last day and graduation, I’m starting to look at everything I once took for granted, getting ready to look at it for the last time, which is kinda sad.

Other schools and people bash this school for what they see on the news, but they don’t know us. They don’t see what we do everyday and how we help others as well. This school has helped me become who I am and I will forever be proud to call myself a Chief.

Congrats to myself and my fellow class of 2016, lets kill it!