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Santaluces High School

The Tribe

  • Start of 3rd Quarter: 1/7
  • MLK Jr. Day: 1/20
Santaluces High School

The Tribe

Santaluces High School

The Tribe

A Greener Earth

A Greener Earth

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer May 12, 2021

More than anything right now, Planet Earth needs us.  Some major concerns we should be focusing on are sustainable food models, water scarcity, and overpopulation, and waste management. Climate change...

Frank Ocean was set to headline Coachella in 2020, but the event was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Daniela’s Side

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer May 7, 2021

I’ll be the first one to admit, Frank Ocean is a lyricist and a vibe that just about anyone should admire. Recently, due to the loss of his brother, it appears as if Frank Ocean won’t be coming out...

Cadet Maxwell Sorenson also plays for the Boys Varsity Baseball team.

Senior Maxwell Sorenson Earns ROTC Scholarship

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer April 27, 2021

Cadet Maxwell Sorenson earned a full-ride Army ROTC scholarship this year. He met all the requirements and excelled during his interview at Cadet Command. “I was really happy, I got something that...

Daniela Martinez

Daniela Martinez

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer April 17, 2021

The pandemic has affected my life in an interesting manner. I was already very antisocial before the pandemic. Now, I actually struggle to hold a conversation with people. The thought of interacting with...

Justice for the death of George Floyd is currently being fought for in court.

The Trial of Derek Chauvin

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer April 12, 2021

Former police officer, Derek Chauvin, is currently on trial for the murder of George Floyd. Chauvin is entering the third week of the trial. Here's a recap of what occurred before George Floyd was murdered,...

Following the shootings, many protests have happened in support of Asian Americans.

Asian-Americans Face Hate Crimes

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer April 1, 2021

The spa shooting that occurred on March 16 led to a further uproar on the concept of Anti-Asian Violence. Six out of the eight victims were Asian women. Since the grand majority of the victims were Asian,...

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been Governor since 2015.

Texas and Florida’s controversial decision

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer March 7, 2021

With 28.9 million covid cases in the United States, Texas lifts mask mandates and reopens their state entirely. Governor Greg Abbott made the decision to make the large state that is Texas, with 43,000...

Visual representation of self-love.

The Pains of Growing: Self-Love

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer March 1, 2021

The most difficult person to love is perhaps yourself. Realistically, it’s so easy to dislike yourself because you see flaws and failures first handed. Society today has painted a false image of what...

Academic and Leadership team members

Santaluces ROTC Qualify for National Competition

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer February 19, 2021

     Qualifying for the National Level II competition, Bryan Vasquez, commander of the academic team, and Freynika Celmo, commander of the leadership team, led their teams to victory at their competition...

The first ever Valentine's Day was celebrated around the year 496 A.D.

Best Valentine’s Day Gifts

Daniela Martinez, Staff Writer February 4, 2021

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, showing love to your significant other is a must. Whether it’s small or big, any kind of gesture is perfect for the right person. Including friend(s), because...

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