One year later, after Fall Out Boy’s surprising comeback album Save Rock and Roll comes American Beauty/American Psycho. The style of the music is somewhat similar to Save Rock And Roll, rock music with just enough pop to “Be played on the radio,” said Pete Wentz, bassist of the group.
American Beauty was good, but not as satisfying to me as I thought it would be. I became so excited over the release of the album, but now hearing all the songs, I’m left feeling a bit unsatisfied. The best songs the album had to offer, including “Uma Thurman,” “Centuries,” and “The Kids Aren’t Alright,” were released early, so when the rest of the album arrived, I expected the other songs to be just as fantastic. There’s even one song, “Favorite Record,” that was so completely disappointing that I wasn’t completely sure if I was still listening to Fall Out Boy.
Despite this, the rest of the songs that Fall Out Boy had to offer were a collection that I can still listen to and enjoy, even if they weren’t on-par with the singles released earlier this month.
Fall Out Boy decided to release their album early; not for purchase, but to stream on YouTube. Each track has its own video and a small description about the origins of the song. The album itself is available for purchase January 20th.