Tv Review: The Fosters

Tv Review: The Fosters

Tiffany Stavrakas, Staff Writer

The fosters is a TV show based around kids living with a foster family that is very diverse. The parents are both mothers (Lena and Stef), Stefs birth son is Brandon, and they adopted Mariana and Jesus (twins) as well as Callie and Jude who are brother and sister. Stef is a white police officer and Lena is a mixed school board administrator.

This show displays many things that other shows don’t. It gives you the raw effect of what the world is actually like. Callie is always running into trouble with authorities, she’s the classic distressed teenager. Brandon as well as the twins go through many struggles during high school just like everyone else. Brandon wanted to be a pianist for the longest time but throughout the series he has many struggles involving this. Mariana has the brains in the family for sure, although some events in this show demonstrates that even if you’re smart you can still make mistakes. Jesus is struggling with ADHD, he has many problems while trying to figure out whether he wants to take the medicine for it or if he wants to find other alternatives. Jude is the youngest and goes through trying to find himself in a generation that isn’t quite accepting as the one we live in now.

The show portrays trouble, love, heartache, struggles and many things that all of us have experienced in our lives.

The Fosters first aired on June 3, 2013. It’s been around for 4 years. Currently they have 5 seasons released and most likely more to come. It has a 4/5 star rating from common sense media, and a 8/10 star rating on IMDb.

Almost everyone has either heard or seen The Fosters. This show has been highly popular with teenagers. It’s something that relates to them, so of course they’re going to want to watch it. It can also apply to adults just as easily. This show has so many elements involved in it that it can be relatable to almost anyone.

If you haven’t seen this show I highly suggest you do. The feelings that you’ll get from watching it will put you on a rollercoaster ride. Your feelings will get yanked from happy to sad within seconds. This series is definitely worth the watch.