The Benefits of Social Media
There are a multitude of reasons why social media has become a major part of our modern lives.
February 10, 2022
“If you are trying to start up a business, social media is the best way to get the word out.” —Freddy, Junior, SHS
“Social Media allows us to be entertained through things like news, thrilling content, or anything someone finds appealing to them.” —Pedro, Junior, SHS
“It can provide tutorials you need for something in real time.” —Mario, Sophomore, SHS
“It’s a good place to connect with your family.” —Mario, Sophomore, SHS
“If your going through something social media can show you you not alone” —Mischa, SHS
“Social Media can allow you to know what’s happening/trending in the world.” —Rianna, Sophomore, SHS
“Social media can help you reach family members and meet you couldn’t do in real life.” —Makayla, Junior, SHS
“Allows you to keep in touch with people. Socialization even for the most introverted among us.” —Zaadin, Freshman, SHS
“Social media allows individuals to keep in touch with friends and extended family” —Rachelle Fix, Junior, SHS
“Put yourself out there in a good way, stay in contact with friends and family, spread positivity to others, and build other’s confidence” —Tcheranda, Junior, SHS
“Social Media gives everyone a chance to express themselves in different ways. This could be posting your family or posting your daily life.” —Jackson, Senior, SHS
“It speeds up the communication system between people belonging to other places. Social media is the best source for getting the latest information and updates and it is the best way of searching for a job.” —Kandaci, Junior, SHS
“Social media is beneficial toward our generation because it allows people to strengthen their relationships, create new connections and have more time for other discoveries.” —Marysol, Freshman, SHS
“Since almost everyone has social media it makes it easier for young people to access the news and learn about what’s currently going on in the world.” —Jessica, Senior, SHS
“It’s also a great platform for people to branch out and promote their businesses as well as discover businesses.” —Jessica, Senior, SHS