Link Crew Links With Students

Courtesy of Mrs. Sheridan

This is the class for Link Crew’s research program, where they tutor and help underclassmen during that period.

Ilisha Strassler, Staff Writer

Juniors and seniors have so many options when it comes to clubs and classes to join, Link Crew is definitely one program to take a look at.

Link Crew is easily one of the more flexible programs at Santaluces, with three different programs, two of which gives you opportunities to earn community service hours.

1) Freshmen Jump Start Program: Members help incoming freshmen during the summer with things like community service and help them complete Florida Virtual School classes. The program is about three weeks long from Monday-Thursday starting at 7:30 a.m. and ending at 12:00 p.m. This gives students an opportunity to earn up  to 60 hours of community service.

2)  Freshmen Orientation: Orientation is an event that allows incoming freshmen to feel more comfortable about going to a new school. This program takes place two days in August (the dates will be announced) and day one will be  for training leaders. The second day is spent giving a campus tour to freshmen. You can earn up to nine hours of community service.

“I didn’t really know Santaluces that well [as a freshman],” said senior, Kaycee Hair, who has been in both the Freshmen Jump Start Program and the Freshmen Orientation for two years. “I got to know the school better and was able for things to be different for other freshmen.”

3) Research 2: This program is a year-round class that allows members to act as mentors to freshmen in their AVID classes. Members check their students’ grades, tutor and help them set goals. This is the only Link Crew program that will not give community service hours, but it is an honors class that can help boost up your GPA.

“You get to make new friends and meet new people,” said junior, Mirian Sanchez, who is currently in the Research 2 part of Link Crew. “You’re exposed to different things [as a member of Link crew].”

Applications are due May 1. See Mrs. Sheridan in room 8144 to pick up an application and for any questions.