The All Important Legacy


Ethan Jayne

What does leaving a legacy behind reveal about a class?

Ethan Jayne, Staff Writer

Every year, a new class rises up the ranks. They become seniors, and start to develop into young adults. These seniors plan for college, and get ready for the future before them. As a class, they are unique in their own ways, and have their own traits setting them apart from the rest.

As seniors leave, the all important “legacy” they leave behind is brought up. This “legacy” can be viewed in different ways, such as the personality of the class or the impacts they have made on their peers and teachers.

But this legacy is the one that seniors leave behind forever for the school, a unique item or something special that they leave behind at the school well beyond they graduate; a painting or a few benches. That sort of thing.

Now is this legacy all that important? Does it judge the class as a whole of who they are?

This sort of legacy has the ability to show who a class truly is and the students that make this class. It shows their talents, it reveals their kind of personality. Their gift and the legacy left behind is their opportunity to show what they view is the best of the best. They want to leave the best quality legacy they believe is possible. The graduating class leaves behind what they personally believes need attention. Whether that is the courtyard which needs fresher up, or whether there needs to be a focus on other aspects to help others.

As an example, previous classes have left gifts that help revitalize the walls and dull areas around the school, while others may focus on helping to motivate others to graduate and succeed.

A legacy however shouldn’t show how successful or how great a class is. It should show who they truly are, and their personalities. Each class has the potential to leave behind who they truly are in different ways. These classes should leave behind what they believe truly represents them, in whichever way they do it.