As many of us have heard, Khan Academy has found another way into the classroom, this time through educational artificial intelligence, called Khanmigo. But the question is, is this a good or a bad thing?
What is Khanmigo?
According to Khan Academy, “Khanmigo is an AI-powered tutor and teaching assistant hand-crafted by the learning experts at Khan Academy.” Many people compare it to Chat GPT or even Meta AI. In short, it’s an educational AI tool for students. Its uses are numerous, as many of you probably know, is already being implemented in many classrooms including at our school.
Tutor Me
This section of Khanmigo is filled with educational tools that students can use to help them with classes. A student could ask for tutoring in science, math, and generic humanities. I’ve personally used Khanmigo’s tutoring for algebra, environmental science, and even coming up with my own research question. The other sections also can help students focus and explore other topics they struggle with during school.
While most of Khanmigo’s features are educational, Khanmigo can also help you craft a story. You can choose from multiple genres including adventure, fantasy, science fiction, romance, and mystery. Upon choosing the genre of your choice, khanmigo then works together with you in collaborative storytelling. It’ll help you develop characters, settings, and plots, getting users to explore their imagination and improve their storytelling skills.
Debate, Chat, & Play
In this section students can debate topics ranging from levels to elementary, middle, and high school. They can also talk to literary and historical figures and play educational games like word architect, word safari, and spelling bee.
This is another section that I use frequently, especially now that I’m taking AICE Global. In the Ignite my curiosity tab, you can brainstorm countless ideas and topics with Khanmigo. I use this whenever I have any questions and curiosities regarding my research. This section also includes tools that can help students navigate college admissions and financial aid, coach academic and career growth, and personalize their interests.
Good or Bad?
The potential for Khanmigo to become mandatory in the classroom can bring up feelings of annoyance in students, the same feeling I felt myself when I first heard of its potential use. It took me a while to even be willing to give it a shot, but now that I have, my opinion has completely changed. In this new age of AI, I get how easy it can be to want to rely on things like ChatGPT and Meta AI, leaving students to potentially face serious consequences from teachers and administration. But with the use of Khanmigo, students can still incorporate the benefits of AI into their education with the support of their school system. Khanmigo can prove to be a very helpful tool, and I think that it will slowly be recognized as a positive educational resource as more and more students get to use it.
For more information about Khanmigo, learn here