Science, soccer, surfing and spear fishing are the hobbies that drive freshman AVID and Biology teacher Mr. Lorenz, a guy with a strong passion for what he loves and the things he does.
“I want to inspire people to live a life worth living,” said Lorenz.
Being a firefighter was Mr. Lorenz’s initial career choice, and when he wasn’t able to find the job in this field where he wanted, he abandoned that dream.
“God was leading me to teach,” said Lorenz.
Mr. Lorenz’s mother and grandmother both teach at King’s Academy and he attended school there until he flew the coop and went on to higher education.
A graduate from FAU and Palm Beach State College, Lorenz has been teaching here full time for a year and a half, but has been on staff for two. Before coming to Santaluces, he taught Marine Ecology hands-on at a sea camp in the Keys.
“I teach for the handful of students I can make a difference with,” said Lorenz.
Not only is he the teacher who wants to make a difference for his students, he is a soccer coach with bigger intentions than winning a game.
“My favorite part about coaching was teaching perseverance in the mist of adversity.”
The best kind of coach knows and loves the game; Lorenz is that kind of coach. He has been playing soccer for 25 years.
“I started when I was a wee lad,” Lorenz said about his start to playing soccer.
Lorenz is a colleague who has much to bring to the table, and is using his talent to better the science department.
“Lorenz as a colleague is phenomenal and contributes innovating ideas for Biology,” said Biology teacher Ms. Conklin. “He likes bringing real biology in to the classroom. He’s very optimistic.”
Although not of Latin origin, he was raised in Latin culture. The same grandmother that teaches Spanish at King’s Academy was a missionary in Peru, along with her husband, Lorenz’s grandfather.
Not only is Lorenz a teacher and coach, but he is a husband and father as well. Married for almost 7 years, he has two young children, Tide and Haven. Before having children, Lorenz and his wife traveled the world; they visited many countries such as Egypt.
A dedicated coach and teacher, Lorenz is a proud member of the Santaluces family.
Mr. Woods • Apr 9, 2014 at 9:58 AM
Thanks for writing such an awesome article. Mr. Lorenz has been a great addition to the science department! I think the thing that makes science so special is that we (the teachers) actually have a great deal of respect for each other and actually enjoy spending time with each other. Mr. Lorenz is also a great cook. Is there anything he can’t do?
Jemel • Feb 11, 2014 at 2:15 PM
Funny, because this EXACTLY describes who he is as a teacher. I had him last year and in all honesty, no other teacher woulda been able to help me understand the content. I actually wanted to pay attention and become involved, I actually have a video of him disecting a shark(I’ll post the link if you want). Things like that really restored my faith back into wanting to learn science, showing me things like that made me realize that science isnt just hard chemical equations. He’s a good teacher and this was an awesome way to describe him, especially considering ive been in his class. Good job Val
Valerie Reich • Feb 12, 2014 at 8:00 AM
Thanks Jemel! What a nice comment, and yeah post the link!