Morning Video Announcements On Delay

Jacob Serrano, Staff Writer

School has been in session for several weeks now, and there is one question that has been on many students’ minds, “Where are the morning video announcements?” With many asking the question, the one that holds the answers is Vis Tech teacher, Mr. Badome, who is in charge of them.

The reason the morning announcements are behind is because the new Mac lab that Vis Tech was given has been giving a bit more trouble than expected with installation and new software that are harder to utilize than in the past years. According to senior and Manager of TV Production, Malik Brice, the students also need to become more accustomed to the new editing software.

“I feel bad about the hold up, but I don’t want to deliver something that looks unfinished or semi-done,” said Mr. Badome.

While the visual announcements may not be available until early October, Mr. Krupa will continue to deliver the morning announcements via intercom to the Chiefs.

“I’m still waiting for Vis Tech to get everything up,” said Mr. Krupa. “I just believe they should be up soon because many of our students are visual learners and prefer to see the news than to just hear them.”