Chiefs of Santaluces: Sara Moran


Taylor Kalbaugh, Staff Writer

“When I was six years old I didn’t even know how to swim, yet I joined a synchronized swim team. I cried the whole way to every practice, but my parents never let me quit. When I started to get older, they told me I could quit if I wanted to but I had to pick up another sport. However, nothing else appealed to me. For the past 11 years I’ve been on the same team that I joined when I was six years old. I had no idea I’d be swimming this long but it just became something I fell in love with. I’ve met so many great people and to been to so many great places all around the country. I’m not sure if I’m ready to leave my team in the fall when I leave for college. They’ve been my family for more than half my life. My coaches have been like another set of parents and my teammates have been like sisters. It’s going to be very hard to move on, but I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life.”