Volunteer Opportunities: Sea Angels Beach Cleanups
Looking for other Volunteer opportunities?
Many people struggle to get volunteer hours, especially those who put them off until their Senior year.
Everywhere you can get volunteer hours benefits a good cause. One place would be the Sea Angles beach clean-ups, which occur on the last Saturday of every month at Ocean Inlet Park. (6990 N. Ocean Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33435).
They start around 8:00 am and end at 9:30 am. Pre-registration is required since there are only 50 openings. The goal of beach cleanups is to get more people to understand the current state of our environment. Some trash is recycled and others are upcycled and turned into art. They believe the more the topic of littering is discussed, the more mindful people will be.
For more information, visit https://www.seaangels.org/

Hello! My name is Allison Bower and this is my third year on The Tribe. I am really into photography which is what I will be contributing to most this...