Kylee’s Opinion

Kylee Johnson, Editor

Track One: the 1 vs. willow

Both tracks have very unique sounds compared to Swift’s previous works, but the melodies and the small atmospheric echoes in the background of willow put it above the 1.

Track Two: cardigan vs. champagne problems

Although I love cardigan as the introduction to Swift’s new era, champagne problems is both beautiful and heartbreaking, therefore the winner of the track 2s.

Track Three: the last great american dynasty vs. gold rush

These tracks are both so amazing in different ways, with the last great american dynasty telling a fascinating story and gold rush going through a rollercoaster of vocals. I honestly cannot pick a favorite, but for the case of this story, I will say gold rush gets the win.

Track Four: exile vs. β€˜tis the damn season

’tis the damn season is an interesting track full of great storytelling and nostalgia, but it’s definitely a grower for me. Between Swift’s and Justin Vernon’s vocals and layers, exile is the winner.

Track Five: my tears ricochet vs. tolerate it

Swift’s track 5s are known to be some of the most emotional and vulnerable of her entire discography. However, neither of these tracks live up to the ‘track 5’ title for me, personally. That being said,Β my tears ricochet has a beautiful power to it, putting it aboveΒ tolerate it.

Track Six: mirrorball vs. no body, no crime

These tracks are both so different which makes it extremely difficult to choose between them. mirrorball really resonates and connects with me, but no body, no crime has such a cool storyline with a country twang. I’m not sure which I like better, but because I have a more emotional connection with mirrorball, it’s the winner.

Track Seven: seven vs. happiness

Although the themes explored in seven are both fascinating and heartbreaking, the beauty and reality of happiness beat out seven.

Track Eight: august vs. dorothea

august is one of my favorites out of Swift’s entire discography, therefore automatically putting it above dorothea.

Track Nine: this is me trying vs. coney island

Swift’s track 9s are always a favorite of mine, but coney island lacks the sound and lyricism that this is me trying and the rest of her track 9s have.

Track Ten: illicit affairs vs. ivy

The instrumentation, vocals, and overall vibe thatΒ ivy has is the definition of my kind of music, while illicit affairs is a little boring for my taste.

Track Eleven: invisible string vs. cowboy like me

To be honest, I was really excited to hearΒ cowboy like me, but I was pretty disappointed during my first listen. invisible string is so pure and happy, which makes it my favorite.

Track Twelve: mad woman vs. long story short

I’ve never really likedΒ mad woman, and the upbeat sounds and positive lyrics ofΒ long story short put it on top.

Track Thirteen: epiphany vs. marjorie

Both of these songs are extremely emotional, asΒ epiphanyΒ is about her grandfather, and marjorie is about her grandmother. They are both so beautiful, butΒ epiphany is extra emotional for me, which puts it aboveΒ marjorie.

Track Fourteen: betty vs. closure

betty is one of my favorites off of folklore, and to be honest, there’s not much that can top it, not even closure.

Track Fifteen: peace vs. evermore vs. hoax

Once again, the combination of Swift and Vernon’s vocals beat out the other songs.Β evermore is so stunning and powerful, unlike peace and hoax.