On Thursday night, Santaluces Chiefs attended the Clyde Harris Invitational at Boynton Beach High School. Being the first meet back after a long spring break, they performed quite better than what they expected. Here are some of the following results.
In the Men’s 4x800m relay, Santaluces got a time of 9:10.42, placing 2nd place out of 10 teams.
In the Women’s 100m hurdles, Shelliah Casseus from Santaluces achieved a time of 19.81 seconds, placing 6th place out of 15 teams.
In the Men’s 100m, Derrick Williams from Santaluces got 4th place out of 57 competitors with a time of 11.49.
In the Women’s 4x100m relay, Santaluces scored 2nd out of 10 schools with a time of 51.30 seconds.
In the Men’s 4x100m relay, Santaluces scored 1st out of 10 schools with a team of 44.02 seconds.
In the Women’s 4oo meters, Jonasia Bell scored 8th out of 32 other competitors with a time of 1:07.32.
In the Men’s 4oom, Dylan Michel scored 3rd out of 48 other competitors with a time of 50.68.
In the Men’s 800m, Damian Garcia scored 7th place with a time of 2:12.95, and Izaiah Sanon scored 8th with a time of 2:13.17.
In the Women’s 200-meter sprint, Jonasia Bell scored 2nd place overall with a time of 25.74 seconds.
In the Men’s 200-meter sprint, Maxwell Beltran scored 5th place overall with a time of 23.24.
Santaluces women’s 4×400 team relay scored 6th place overall with a time of 4:42.95, and the men’s team scored 3rd place overall with a time of 3:30.55.
Overall, the performance needed was met by both the boys and girls from the Santaluces track team at the Clyde Harris Invitational hosted at Boynton Beach High School.