Chiefs of Santaluces: Madi Garcia

Matthew Leto, Staff Writer

“One of my most favorite memories was during my sophomore year of softball. It was our senior night and my best friend would be graduating and playing her final game. One of the seniors on the team, Leah went out for prom queen, but she didn’t win. So as a gift to her, I went out and bought her a chocolate rose and a toy crown from the store before our game. Everyone in the stands and players on the field were watching and it made her so shocked that she started to cry. Seeing her surprised was probably one of the best moments. She needed to know that even though she didn’t win prom queen, she was still our queen and we had her back. Then we had to play Boynton that night, we ended up crushing Boynton in the game by the run rule. That was hands down the best memory I have.”