Justin Krouse is a student at Santaluces High School. Currently, Krouse is a Sophomore and participates in the E-Sports club. This club has competitive members that compete in video games. One of Justin’s favorite games is Red Dead Redemption 2.
Krouse has an interest in action movies and comic books. One of his favorite characters is Spiderman.
Justin not only participates in the E-Sports club, but he is also an excellent student at Santaluces High School. He takes rigorous courses such as AICE Thinking Skills, AICE International History, AICE English Language, and Physics Honors.
When asked about his experience at Santaluces, he stated, “It’s a good school; I like the clubs here. It is entertaining to participate. I really enjoyed spirit week and the activities that we could participate in and see during lunch.”
Next year, Krouse plans on being more involved in school by joining SNHS and other clubs at his school.
Justin enjoys getting boneless wings and spending time with his friends Ethan and Victor. Krouse also enjoys spending his free time listening to Bruno Mars, one of his favorite artists.
In the future, Krouse wants to attend two years of community college. He plans on pursuing a career in teaching or coding.