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Santaluces High School

The Tribe

  • Start of 3rd Quarter: 1/7
  • MLK Jr. Day: 1/20
Santaluces High School

The Tribe

Santaluces High School

The Tribe

The Love For Earth

The Love For Earth

Chris Reed, Staff Writer April 25, 2014

I look around at this beautiful scene To the crystal blue water to the trees evergreen From the air that we breathe, to the birds when they sing Oh the happiness, the happiness Mother Earth brings...

Heavenly: A Poem by Chris Reed

Heavenly: A Poem by Chris Reed

Chris Reed, Staff Writer April 11, 2014

My purpose is peace, not playing power for the paper Vital visionary, visualizing my verbs turning hate into vapor Some of our society is sadistic, trying to cut like a shaper Deadbeat dad acting...

Respect the Other Half: A Poem by Chris Reed

Respect the Other Half: A Poem by Chris Reed

Chris Reed, Staff Writer April 4, 2014

I look at my generation and only detect A small population giving women the respect That they earned, that they need, so why do we reject The other half that we need, so we need to accept   That...

End of The Year: A Poem by Chris Reed

End of The Year: A Poem by Chris Reed

Chris Reed, Staff Writer March 28, 2014

She sees me as a friend, but I see her as more. I’m too scared to speak, because our friendship I adore. Or maybe it’s the thought deep down in my core That you’re too good for me, so I...

The Past: A Poem by Chris Reed

The Past: A Poem by Chris Reed

Chris Reed, Staff Writer March 12, 2014

I often fathom, why did I suffer A fatherless life, and a drug addict mother? The tears, the fights, or maybe the other Pain that I feel like losing my brother.   I would groan as a...

Free the Class of 2014

Free the Class of 2014

Chris Reed, Staff Writter March 5, 2014

Imagine being two weeks away from graduation, all your credits are taken care of and colleges are waiting for you to receive your diploma, but the one thing that stops you is the … obligation list. Not...

Spring is the Thing

Spring is the Thing

Chris Reed, Staff Writer February 25, 2014

Spring is on the rise, from the beautiful fluorescent flowers to the swarms of love bugs flying through our streets. The last bit of cold there can be is slowly drifting away as summer waits for its opportunity...

Consider Grad Bash

Consider Grad Bash

Chris Reed, Staff Writer February 13, 2014

Once again the trip that every senior dreams of is a few months away … Grad Bash.  Now, anyone who doesn’t know what Grad Bash is, has either been a victim of little information or has been living...

The Vicious Virus Of Senioritis

The Vicious Virus Of Senioritis

Chris Reed, Staff Writer January 31, 2014

The count down to graduation is up and rolling with only four months left until seniors walk across the stage, but things are becoming hectic. It should be easy, but almost every senior that reaches...

Anderson or Achilles?

Anderson or Achilles?

Chris Reed, Staff Writer January 28, 2014

Anderson Silva the Brazilian, number one rated fighter in MMA history and the UFC champion whose knockouts look like Morpheus from the matrix has fallen into recovery after a gruesome moment in UFC 168....

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