School Schedule: What’s the Rush?


Alicia Newby

Students walked to class down the 4000 building.

Last year, we had six minutes to get to class. We also had a warning bell. The only negative was block scheduling. This year, teachers and administrators decided to take away the only positives and now, they’re adding back the negative.

You would think that because we students actually attend Santaluces, and go through the schedule, we would have some type of say, but we don’t. The people who have a say are the people who don’t have homework every night, don’t get seven subjects stuffed in their brain, and don’t almost break their foot rushing to class.

Block schedule: WHY? Why have block scheduling? One hour alone of class makes me want to cry, 105 minutes is just something I can’t wrap my head around. Not only does the day feel longer, but it also feels like knowledge overload. What I mean by that is there is too much information of the same subject getting crammed in our heads.

Time between classes: I feel like I have to run to class; especially when I have to go from the 4000 building to the portables. I truly miss the six minutes between classes. Not only do you get enough time to walk at a human pace, but you also get a chance to go to the restroom. With the five minutes you have no chance of going to the bathroom and getting to class on time. If you were to actually attempt to use the bathroom, you would be late, just because of a normal bodily function. If you choose to run to class to ask the teacher if you can go, they tell you that you have to wait 10 minutes until you can. By then…it may be too late.

Warning bell: To make it worse, the warning bell was removed. The warning bell used to be a signal for me to legit start running, now it’s almost like an intense game; you never know when the bell is going to ring. You can be halfway to class thinking you have quite a bit of time, but in reality you have 10 seconds left, and end up having to get a late pass.

Lunch schedule: 35 minutes may sound like a long time, but it does not feel like it. By the time my friends and I get to the cafeteria, the line is out the door and around the school. Once we get in that line, get our food, and sit down; there are literally five minutes left of lunch. That leaves me five minutes to scarf down my chicken sandwich, my apple sauce, my four cookies, and socialize with the friends who I haven’t seen all day. When the bell rings, I have to hurry up, throw away all my stuff, and run to class. Most of the time, it doesn’t work out like that and I end up getting a late pass on my way back to 5th period.

Although I dislike the schedule there are many things I like about Santaluces. Such as: the pep rallies, the sports games, and many more. It is not a bad school; however, hopefully next year the teachers and administrators will take it into consideration to change the schedule to how it used to be.